Maestro Auction Bid Forms

$ 79.99

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Professional Bid Sheets

Create your own forms with custom bid steps using MaestroAuction Software
and we'll take care of the rest!
  1. Calculate your bid steps in MaestroAuction (AMPro) (you'll find a video in MaestroHelp for help with this)
  2. Go to Auction Forms [6,2] in MaestroAuction (AMPro)
  3. Double-click your choice of 30+ bid sheet options
  4. Click the "Save as PDF" button and save your bid sheets

Some bid sheets have 2-3 items per page, so be sure to choose the number of pages in your PDF - not the number of items.

If your PDF is over 200 pages, please call 1-800-438-6498 x103 to place your order.

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